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  • Think about which package suits you best

  • Contact me without obligation by clicking on the "I want that" button and entering your data

  • We make an appointment to get to know each other

  • Before the appointment, I will send you a few forms to fill out so that I already have some background information

  • After the conversation you can decide whether we continue with the coaching

  • Within the agreed time, the tailor-made training sessions await you on the Final Surge coaching platform

  • During the coaching we are in contact at agreed times, usually 4 weeks, to discuss the coming month. For coaching, I can also be reached 24/7 via WhatsApp

How does the coaching work?

Running coaching

CHF 75 (4 weeks)

  • Free (online) introductory talk

  • Fully customized training plan

  • Science-Based Development

  • 24/7 possibility to contact me via Whats app

  • Weekly adjustments to the training plan possible

  • Monthly contact (online)

  • A new training plan every 4 weeks until you reach your goal

  • Strength training integrated into the training plan

  • injury prevention

  • Warm-up exercises and technique exercises

  • Personal coaching (live) possible for an extra charge

* Plus einmalig CHF 25 Intakekosten

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Training plan

CHF 40 (4 weeks, at least 3 months)

  • Free (online) introductory talk

  • Fully customized training plan

  • Science-Based Development

  • A new training plan every 4 weeks until you reach your goal

  • Strong training integrated into the training plan

  • Warm-up exercises and technique exercises

  • At least 3 months

* Plus einmalig CHF 25 Intakekosten

Gait analysis

CHF 40 (per analysis)

  • Detailed assessment of your gait

  • Dealing with risk factors

  • Advice on strength training and technique exercises to target your risk factors

  • Can be done "live" in Emmenbrücke, Switzerland or based on a video you send me (I will send you a description of what and how to make video)

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