Part 2
In this first part of this blog, we looked at which zones there are, how are they divided and what the function is of each zone. We also looked at how to know that you are in a certain zone and at the relationship between the zones and the stress-adaptation cycle. Click here for part 1 if you haven't read it yet.
In part two, we'll take a closer look at how much time you should train in each zone to get the most effect from your workout, and see what the science says about this. We also see how top athletes convert this into their training.
How much should I train in a certain zone?
There are a number of common training intensity distributions (TID, Training Intensity Distribution).
Pyramidal: most of the training in zone 1, less in zone 2 and only a very small part in zone 3
Polarized: most of the training in zone 1, a very small part in zone 2 and part in zone 3
Threshold: most of the training at and around the lactate threshold
High Intensity Low Volume: most of the training at a high intensity, but the total volume is only low, in other words: less but intensive training
Let me be clear: with all methods someone gets better. There is no “one size fits all”. There are top marathoners who have run their best times on the threshold method, although most professional athletes train rather pyramidal or polarized and thus run world-class PRs.
Recreational runners, on the other hand, can benefit enormously from a High Intensity Low Volume for a certain (short) period because the load on the body is high, but due to the short training time there is relatively much recovery time.
With all methods someone gets better. There is no “one size fits all”
Because training at a higher intensity demands more from your body - more muscle damage, higher load on the heart-lung system and a higher load on the hormone system due to the need to bring the body back into balance (homeostasis) - the risk of injuries and overload when training at a higher intensity, higher if sufficient time is not taken for recovery.
There are several studies (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) that have shown that you make the most progress in endurance, speed, VO2max (maximum oxygen uptake) and strength if you do most of the exercise. your time, around 80%, at low intensity, zone 1 training. This is the case with the pyramidal and polarized method. Let's dig that out a little further.
How does Pyramidal Training work
At Pyramidal, around 80% is trained in zone 1, 15-20% in zone 2 and only a maximum of 5% in zone 3, sometimes not at all in zone 3. This is called pyramidal, because by stacking the training intensities, a pyramid (triangle) is formed. There is a wide base, a narrower middle and a small tip.
How does Polarized Training work
In Polarized training, around 80% is trained in zone 1, 15-20% in zone 3 and only a maximum of 5% in zone 2. This is so called because most training takes place at the “ends” of the intensity spectrum, the so-called poles (such as North Pole and South Pole).
How does Threshold Training work
A third common form is threshold training. With threshold training, around 60% are trained in zone 1, and approximately 40% in zone 2. Zone 3 does not train at all. Threshold training owes its name to the high percentage of training that takes place around the threshold, the threshold between anaerobic and aerobic.
Which is better, pyramidal training, polarized training or threshold training?
It depends. In the 2021 study: “Effects of 16 weeks of pyramidal and polarized training intensity distributions in well-trained endurance runners” (7), Pyramidal and Polarized training are compared in a 16-week study. 60 men were divided into 4 groups: 100% Polarized, 100% Pyramidal, 50% Polarized-50% Pyramidal and 50% Pyramidal- 50% Polarized. All groups maintained the same training volume. Only the intensity distribution differed.
After 16 weeks, the test results from the start, middle and after the intervention were compared. All groups had progressed. However, the group that had trained pyramidal for 8 weeks and then polarized for 8 weeks had made the most progress. Especially in the area of VO2peak
Another study, “Polarized training has greater impact on key endurance variables than threshold, high intensity, or high volume training” (11) shows that polarized training shows greater improvement in measured values than the other tested forms of training.
Other studies also show that pyramidal and polarized training have more effect than threshold training or other training methods
How do top athletes train?
In June 2022, a new study was presented on the training methods of 3 Giro d'Italia cyclists who finished in the top 5 (8). All three athletes did more than 80% of their workouts in zone 1: 91%, 83% and 86%. In addition, all three trained according to a more pyramidal 2-3x as much in zone 2 as in zone 3 (zone 2: 6.5%, zone 3: 2%; zone 2: 10%, zone 3: 6% and zone 2: 9 % and zone 3: 4.4%) Towards the end of the training period, just before the competition, they all switched to a more polarized oriented training.
Another new study from 2022 of 7 top marathon runners (12) shows the same: Zone 1 88.5%, Zone 2: 7.5% and Zone 3: 4%.
Kilian Jornet (top ultratrail runner) also recently published his training data (13). He uses a 5 zone model, in which he trains 58% in zone 1, 19% in zone 2 (in a 3 zone model this is 77% in zone 1, most of which is low in zone 1). In addition, he trained 16% in zone 3 and a total of 7% in zones 4 and 5 (4% and 3%). So pyramidal.
I am a recreational athlete, should I train the same as a top athlete?
No, it doesn't have to. But there are many benefits to doing it:
The benefits of 70-80% of training time in zone 1 have also been demonstrated for recreational runners
High volume at low intensity provides a lot of improvement while keeping the risk of overtraining low
You can still function after your training, you still have energy to do your work or be there for your partner, children and friends
In this second part, we took a closer look at how much time you should train in each zone to get the most effect from your workout and what the science says about this. We also see how top athletes convert this into their training.
Do you already train according to this principle? Very good, keep going, this ensures that you get fitter and that you will be well at the start of your next race or event.
Are you having trouble applying this? Then don't hesitate and contact me, then we can see if I can help you with this in a non-binding conversation
1. Wikipedia. Exercise Intensity. Wikipedia. [Online] 9 November 2021, at 15:01 (UTC). [Citaat van: 18 Augustus 2022.]
2. Topsport en talentontwikkeling Nederlandse Triatlon Bond. Trainingszones zoals zij gebruikt worden binnen de NTB. Triatlonbond. [Online] [Citaat van: 18 Augustus 2022.]
3. Cerezuela-Espejo, Víctor , et al. The Relationship Between Lactate and Ventilatory Thresholds in Runners: Validity and Reliability of Exercise Test Performance Parameters. Front. Physiol. 2018.
4. Soligard, Torbjørn , et al. How much is too much? (Part 1) International Olympic Committee consensus statement on load in sport and risk of injury. British Journal of Sports Medicine . 2016, pp. 1030-1041.
5. Kenneally, Mark, Casado, Arturo en Santos-Concejero, Jordan. The Effect of Periodization and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 2017, pp. 1114–1121.
6. Boullosa, Daniel , et al. Factors Affecting Training and Physical Performance in Recreational Endurance Runners. Sports. 2020.
7. Filipas, Luca , et al. Effects of 16 weeks of pyramidal and polarized training intensity distributions in well- trained endurance runners. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science In Sports. 2021.
8. Gallo, Gabriele , et al. How do world class top 5 Giro d'Italia finishers train? A qualitative multiple case study. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science In Sports. 2022.
9. Hydren, Jay R en Cohen, Bruce S. Current Scientific Evidence for a Polarized Cardiovascular Endurance Training Model. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2015
10. Muñoz, Iker , et al. Does Polarized Training Improve Performance in Recreational Runners? International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 2014, Volume 9, Issue 2.
11. Stöggl, Thomas en Sperlich, Billy . Polarized training has greater impact on key endurance variables than threshold, high intensity, or high volume training. Front. Physiol. 2014.
12. Santos-Concejero, Jordan, et al. Training Intensity Distribution analysis by Race Pace vs. Physiological approach in World-Class middle- and long-distance runners. European Journal of Sport Science. 2022.
13. Jornet, Kilian. Training for long and short trail running. My 2022 season training and racing. mtnath mountain and athleticicm. [Online] 5 September 2022. [Citaat van: 18 September 2022.]