If you look at a trainingsplan for the first time, you probably have to learn a few words you haven't seen before. In this blog I'll explain some of the training vocabulary for you, to make it easier to know what your coach wants from you.
Your training is mostly based on different zones. These zones can be heart rate based or feeling based, but also speed or even power based. Every zone has an upper- and a lower limit. By staying in the zone, you make sure the training has the intended effect on your body. The zone is often shortend to just a Z with a number, Z1 being zone 1.
If you do an interval training, or a run-walk program, you will find repetitions in your plan. Repetitions are recurring actions. If you have to do repetitions, you normally do your running part at the given intensity, followed by a time or distance in an other intensity and then get back to the start and do it all over again, as much as described. An example: 4x 1 minute Z3 , 2 minutes Z2. This means you have to run for a minute in zone 3, then 2 minutes in zone 2 and do that 4 times.
Rest is the easiest part of the training. It's mostly running on an lower intensity or speed, or even walking. Rest is important to get the rest of the training in the right intensity as well. This is especially important when you have to perform intervals on a high intensity or longer tempo blocks.
A set is a block of multiple repetitions followed by a rest. Within the set there can be multiple different intensities, or it can be as easy as just a switching between two different intensities. A set is recognizable as: 3x (4x 1 minutes Z3, 2 minutes Z2) which means you run for a minute in zone 3, then 2 minutes in zone 2 and do that 4 times, then probably have a moment of rest, and repeat that cycle 3 times.
Set rest:
The set rest is a period of lower intensity or speed after performing your set. You need that to be able to execute the next set on the same intensity as the previous ones.
The speed is described in kilometers per hour or in miles per hour. It is always good to check in what system the speed is written, as they are not the same! For example: 10 km/h is 6.2 mph, and 10 mph is 16 km/h...
Tempo is more commonly used in running training plans. The same thing as for speed goes here, make sure your running in the right system.
Cross training:
Although there are machines in the gym called cross trainer, this is not the only type of cross training. Cross training is every other activity that supports your running without the same stress on your body. Examples of this can be walking, cycling, swimming and strength training.
Of course there are many more new words to learn, but with these the most of them are covered.
If you have any questions in how to read your plan, or if you need a plan, don't hesitate to ask me!