The intensity of running can be determined in different ways. An objective value is the heart rate, which can be measured using a heart rate monitor. Another, subjective, way to measure the intensity is based on RPE, the abbreviation for Rate of Perceived Extertion or Rate of Perceived Effort.
RPE, Rate of Perceived Exertion, is a subjective way of measuring the intensity of the training
Borg scale and RPE
RPE is a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is the lowest intensity and 10 is the maximum intensity. This is based on the Borg scale developed by researchers in 1960, which initially ran from 1-10 and was later modified with a division of 6-20 to better match the heart rate with the intensity roughly comparable to the number of heartbeats times 10 (60-200).
According to Megan Roche, professional trail and ultra runner, SWAP running coach and epidemiologist, RPE is more than a number to use to create a training plan. It basically gives you information about your training, so you can be more efficient and get more out of your training work."
Training effectiveness
This means that the effectiveness of your training depends on the intensity at which you train.
RPE can help keep exercise intensity within the zones set by a trainer or training plan without the need for equipment such as a heart rate monitor.
Everything we do creates a certain amount of stress in our body. The amount of stress we experience depends on many factors, such as sleep, nutrition, moisture, psychological stress, outside temperature, altitude and of course the intensity at which we train. The body doesn't differentiate between different stressors, it just lumps it all together with the label “stress” and adjusts accordingly.
RPE is individual
In the context of our training, this means that an easy long run does not always have the same intensity if I stick to fixed values such as speed. An easy long run or interval training should always feel just as intense, but if I focus on a certain speed (fixed value), the intensity fluctuates (subjective value). You can turn this around by focusing on the subjective value, which means that the fixed value can vary. With this you always keep the level of stress on your body even and you have control over your training structure. Your endurance run when you are rested will feel the same to your body as when you are tired and stressed, but the number of kilometers per hour you cover can (and will) differ.
RPE helps to train purposefully
Every training intensity has a different goal: to build up stamina or to get more speed. By dividing the intensity into zones, you can find the right training intensity for the intended goal. There are many possibilities to divide the range from 0-10 into zones, from 3 to 7 zones, but roughly it comes down to the following division:
1-3: Easy, normal breathing and talking
4-6: Moderate, heavy breathing, short conversations. Still a bit comfortable
7-9: Heavy, short of breath, can only speak a few words
10: Maximum effort, gasping for air, can't talk
Adjust training to the perceived level of exertion
Since this is a subjective classification, it is very individual. The RPE differs per person and per moment. What might feel like an RPE 3 one day, can feel like an RPE 5 the next, with the same speed and conditions. So what should we do as runners? Adjusting our intensity so that we train in the zone in which we want to train. Easy runs in an easy RPE, an interval in a high RPE. It is important to be honest with yourself, your RPE is not the RPE of your running buddy!